By Jahiah Wilson
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves. Symptoms start slowly. The first symptom may be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder may also cause stiffness or slowing of movement.
Because the cause of Parkinson’s is unknown, there are no proven ways to prevent the disease.
Some research has shown that regular aerobic exercise might reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
Some other research has shown that people who consume caffeine — which is found in coffee, tea and cola — get Parkinson’s disease less often than those who don’t drink it. Green tea is also related to a reduced risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. However, it is still not known whether caffeine protects against getting Parkinson’s or is related in some other way. Currently there is not enough evidence to suggest that drinking caffeinated beverages protects against Parkinson’s.
If you need to see one of our NORC Nurses or Social Worker, please call for an appointment. Our telephone number is 718-348-7620. Our Office hours are Monday-Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm, Spring Creek Senior Partners offers free blood pressure, Body Mass Index, Weight and Oxygen Level screenings. Call our office at 718-348-7620 to schedule an appointment.
Spring Creek Senior Partners NORC in collaboration with The Opportunity Hub will be conducting several workshops on Financial Empowerment for Older Adults. Each workshop will be from 10am-11am and some of the topics include:
- Adult Exploitation (April 12, 2023)
- Wills/Estates/Investments (April 19, 2023)
- Cyber Security/ Scam & Identity (April 26, 2023)
For more information, visit the office of Spring Creek Senior Partners and speak with Jasmine Jennings to attend.
Spring Creek Senior Partners has resumed Pottery Class (Mondays from 11am-12pm), Chair Yoga (Tuesdays from 11am-12pm, Steelpan Class (Wednesdays from 11am-12pm) and Painting Class (Fridays from 11am-12pm)
The staff of Spring Creek Senior Partners is here to assist those living in Spring Creek Towers who are 60 years and older. You are always welcome to participate in our many events and activities.
Spring Creek Senior Partners is a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community/Supportive Service Program (NORC/SSP) and we serve all residents who are 60 years or older. Our services are free and open to all residents of Spring Creek Towers. You can visit Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at 160 Schroeders Ave. (G5) or call us 718-348-7620.